Prof. Dr. Omer Ridvan Tarhan founded the website "" in 2014, and he is still managing it.
This website is about "General & Laparoscopic Surgery".

Copyrighted Illustrations and Videos
All drawings and surgical videos on the website are original, which is why they have logos and names. Individuals who remove logos from drawings and videos, and use them without proper attribution, will face legal responsibility and complaints. The videos and drawings can be used in classes or for educational purposes as long as they are referenced and logos are not removed, but they cannot be used for commercial purposes or on other websites. Original articles can be linked to, but they cannot be copied and pasted onto other websites.
Copying and pasting copyrighted content from another website onto your own may result in your website being removed from search engine indexes due to "web spam."
Süleyman Demirel University Medical School, Department of General Surgery, Isparta, TURKIYE.
General Surgery Articles
The "General Surgery Articles" folder on contains articles related to General Surgery topics.
The "Medical-Dictionary" folder of contains encyclopedic explanations of the medical terms used in our articles.
The “Medical-Dictionary” of is not an ordinary dictionary; it is a tooltip type dictionary. When you hover over a medical term, a tooltip will appear with a short explanation. If you click on the term or the tooltip, you will be directed to the dictionary page that explains the relevant term in detail.
All of the articles on are unique and have not been published elsewhere. Regardless of their type (dictionary term or article), the most important characteristic of writings is that they are easy to understand and contain clear information. Often, related subtopics are briefly explained to facilitate understanding of the subject matter.
Since the images and drawings, flowcharts (guides), and articles all originate from the same source, they all complement one another.
You can easily access the list of our articles from the topbar menu or the homepage. By clicking on the topic headings, you can easily reach the desired article or page.
The scientific information, along with acquired professional experiences, has been compiled and turned into articles.
I dedicate my book "General Surgery" and website "" to my family and students; their unwavering support and encouragement kept me motivated throughout the development of and the writing of the book.